
Founder’s Message - Progress Continues In H.A.L.O.’s Sphere

Dear Friends,

Gayle and I started the H.A.L.O. Foundation 24 years ago, shortly after three-year-old Sarah lost her abilities following a health crisis. All around us the news was bleak: bombs in the World Trade Center, the Savings and Loan bailout, Somalia, Bosnia, Waco and flood devastation along the Mississippi River.

But change was afoot: Ruth Bader Ginsberg became the second female U.S. Supreme Court justice, South Africa moved toward democracy, the Maastricht treaty brought Europe closer to economic union and the U.S. military implemented ‘Don’t ask, don’t tell.’

H.A.L.O. was a way to effect change with our small sphere of chaos: the lives of children with severe neurological impairment. Today we continue to work with individuals, families and compassionate nursing homes, schools and other organizations for the comfort and fulfillment of our target population.

Brain damage still cannot be reversed, but new technologies such as the eye-tracking device in this issue, are being developed to enhance the capabilities of affected individuals.

I am grateful to all who have joined us in this effort.

Thank you for your continued interest and support of H.A.L.O.

Yours truly,