
Founder’s Message - Help Us Make Lives Happier and Easier

Dear Friends,

A community is a group of people who live together or who share a common culture or interest or characteristic.

The Help A Little One Foundation is dedicated to the community of children so devastated by neurological disease or accident they are unable to perform the routine activities of daily living.
When our daughter Sarah joined that community nearly 23 years ago, Gayle and I became aware of just how disenfranchised these helpless children are, and how overwhelmed their families are just caring for them.

We founded H.A.L.O. to make their lives happier and easier. Our expanding Family Circle programs strive to create a warm, accepting environment and constructive activities for children who are isolated because of their complex conditions.  H.A.L.O.’s Children’s Advisory Network speaks up when a regulatory party wrongly denies services. We continue to seek new ways to enhance life for these children.

Thank you for your continued interest and support of H.A.L.O.

Yours truly,